We all Matter - We all Belong
Welcome to Knowle West Nursery School
As one of the twelve local authority-maintained nursery schools in Bristol, we take pride in offering high-quality early years education within a beautiful and stimulating learning space.
At Knowle West Nursery School, we believe that every child matters and belongs. This core value is woven into the fabric of our inclusive culture, ensuring that each child is cherished, supported, and provided with the opportunities to flourish and achieve success.
Led by our Headteacher, Jenny McDonald, with over 13 years of commitment to the school, we continue to foster a family-centred ethos that prioritizes the well-being and happiness of every child.
We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our vibrant learning community. We eagerly anticipate welcoming you and your child to the Knowle West Nursery School family.
Are you looking for a Nursery place?
We have 2, 3 and 4 year old places available. Please get in touch and come and visit our wonderful learning environment.
Please contact us by phone (0117 9030214) or use the Register Your Interest button below, if you could
like to book a tour, or receive further information about Knowle West Nursery School.
My daughter really has enjoyed coming into nursery. The staff here are lovely and the morning welcome as you come through the door is always nice. Staff are really helpful and good at giving feedback at the end of the day. My daughter enjoys coming to nursery everyday as there are always fun activities to do on the tables and enjoys the big garden.
Thank you will never be enough for what you do. This is such a special place with amazing people who work so hard for the families and children. We love Knowle West Nursery School!
Latest News
Our Friends Parent/Carer Group
Our 'Friends' group here at Knowle West Nursery School meet up on alternate Wednesdays and Thursdays at the setting at 9:00am. Our weekly parent group offers an opportunity for parents/carers from our school community to come together in a space where they feel...
News from the Hedgehog Room – January 2025
Hedgehog room has had great fun exploring the frosty garden, it may be cold but that doesn't stop the children from enjoying their time outside. Stepping on crunchy frost makes a great noise under our feet. We also noticed some ice on the pond! When not in the garden,...
News from the Fox Room – January 2025
The chilly weather has not stopped the children from Fox Room from exploring the garden. Wrapped up in hats and scarfs, the children have been noticing what changes the cold brings to the garden. The leaves from the trees have fallen and changed colour. Some of them...
News from the Ladybird and Bumblebee Rooms – January 2025
The children from Ladybird Room and the children from Bumblebee Room have had a wonderful time back at Knowle West Nursery School since returning from the Christmas break. Did you have a great Christmas break? All the children got stuck in with messy play, squeezing...
Explore Knowle West Nursery School

Headteacher's Welcome
It is a privilege to be the Headteacher of such a wonderful school, and I am proud to have been here for over 13 years as a room teacher, Deputy Headteacher, and SENCO. I am passionate about continuing our work for the Knowle West community, and I am joined by a dedicated and highly qualified staff team committed to giving children the best start in life to learn, grow, be heard, and be happy.

Our Vision and Values
Knowle West Nursery School is dedicated to fostering a nurturing and inclusive community where every child and family feels a sense of belonging and value. The school’s vision emphasises providing children with the best possible start in life, bridging the gap of disadvantage, and instilling skills, dispositions, and attitudes necessary for confident lifelong learning. Central to our ethos is the creation of a psychologically safe environment where respect, connection, kindness, safety, and authenticity are the guiding values, ensuring that everyone is heard, understood, and genuinely cared for.

Learning and Curriculum
Knowle West Nursery School offers a vibrant and nurturing environment where young children thrive through active engagement with the world around them. Following the Early Years Foundation Stage, KWNS emphasizes the Prime Areas of learning: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, and Communication and Language. These foundational areas foster a positive self-image, social collaboration, emotional understanding, physical activity, and communication skills.
Latest From the Rooms
News from the Hedgehog Room – January 2025
Hedgehog room has had great fun exploring the frosty garden, it may be cold but that doesn't stop the children from enjoying their time outside. Stepping on crunchy frost makes a great noise under our feet. We also noticed some ice on the pond! When not in the garden,...
News from the Fox Room – January 2025
The chilly weather has not stopped the children from Fox Room from exploring the garden. Wrapped up in hats and scarfs, the children have been noticing what changes the cold brings to the garden. The leaves from the trees have fallen and changed colour. Some of them...
News from the Ladybird and Bumblebee Rooms – January 2025
The children from Ladybird Room and the children from Bumblebee Room have had a wonderful time back at Knowle West Nursery School since returning from the Christmas break. Did you have a great Christmas break? All the children got stuck in with messy play, squeezing...
News from the Fox and Hedgehog Room – November 2024
We love welcoming back the children after half term. We hope you all had a wonderful time! The Fox's and Hedgehog's came back ready to learn new and exciting things and rekindle friendships. The first week back involved messy play, both indoors and outdoors. Indoors...
News from the Ladybird and Bumblebee Rooms – October 2024
Welcome to Term 1 at Knowle West Nursery School. We have been busy welcoming new families into our Knowle West Nursery family and settling in all the children into their new rooms. We are all enjoying exploring our new environments and making new friends. We are...
News from the Fox and Hedgehog Rooms – October 2024
Welcome to Term 1 at Knowle West Nursery School. We have been busy welcoming new families into our Knowle West Nursery family and settling in all the children into their new rooms. We are all enjoying exploring our new environments and making new friends. We are...
More News from the Fox and Hedgehog Rooms – July 2024
Creating Art The children love getting arty. Being able to freely create any type of art is such a great activity for them. Whether it's painting with a variety of painting tools, getting messy with papier-mâché and balloons or glueing pom-poms and beads to make...
More News from the Ladybird and Bumblebee Rooms – July 2024
Outside in the Rainy Garden Even if the weather outside is wet and rainy the children from Ladybirds and Bumblebees still enjoy playing outside. Wrapped up warm in their raincoats, waterproof trousers and welly boots the children had fun splashing around in the bubble...
News from the Fox and Hedgehogs Rooms – July 2024
Strawberries! The strawberries in the garden were ready to be picked! So, the children grabbed a bowl and picked all the ones that looked juicy and delicious. The children then gave them a good wash and ate them up! They were really tasty! It was so great that the...
News from the Ladybirds and Bumblebees Rooms – July 2024
Making Pizzas! The children love to bake their own snacks, and they had an exciting time making their own pizzas. We used shaped cutters, such as stars, flowers, and hearts for the base of our pizzas, and then spread some delicious tomato sauce on top and finished it...