Newsletter – Term 4 – March 2024

by | Mar 13, 2024 | News, Newsletters

Term 4 is always a busy time at the nursery. Some children begin to transition across the school from Under 3s to Early Years 3, to their new rooms and routines. We also begin to welcome more new friends and families to the school too.

The staff team all work hard to ensure that transitions and settling are positive and calm experiences for everyone. We place a high value on our relationship with you and your child – please talk with your child’s key staff if you have worries or queries.

Next term and the summer months are an exciting time for our oldest children as they will be offered their school places for September, and we start our transition to schoolwork. Please talk

Primary School Admissions

Primary school applications will be confirmed to parents on 16th April. If you have done an online application this will be emailed to you on the day. If you have done a postal application this may be received a couple of days after the 16th.

We will be collecting your school offer in that week and Leigh will be able to help you with any queries that you may have, including appealing if you did not receive the school of your choice.

World Book Day – 7th of March

We will be celebrating World Book Day and the love of books in the nursery.

Staff and children will be sharing their favourite stories.

For more information, please see – National Literacy Trust | UK Literacy Charity

Spare Clothes

It is really important that you bring your child with a bag of spare clothes to nursery so that we are able to change them should they get wet.

In particular, we are very low on socks and although the children wear wellingtons, the water always seem to make their way into the boot!!

If you have any spare socks that you can donate to the nursery, we would be very grateful.

Spring Raffle

Spring is on its way! – To get us in the mood we will be holding a Spring Raffle this term.

The team will be planning some Spring songs and activities for the children to enjoy.

Raffle tickets will go on sale shortly, more information to follow.

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