The Three Little Pigs
This term during our Storytime sessions, we have been reading ‘The Three Little Pigs’.
We know our story well now and have loved using props during our play to rehearse and retell the story. We loved retelling by drawing a story map during our session.
Some of us have drawn our own story maps and even changed the characters to create our own story!

Collaboration Celebration!
We know our Hedgehog friends very well now, and we can work together to make our play bigger and better! Look at us building together to explore length and height!
See how we use each other’s ideas to build bigger stories in our home corner.

Spring Time
Spring is here at Knowle West, and we have been relishing the brighter weather and the arrival of the new season.
We have been exploring Spring through songs, nature trails and Easter-themed activities inside.

Marvellous Mark Making
We are fascinated with using a range of materials to make marks in Hedgehogs Room, creating all sorts of interesting and exciting patterns.