Newsletter – Term 5 – April 2024

by | Apr 16, 2024 | News, Newsletters, Uncategorized

Welcome Back

A warm welcome back to everyone after the Easter Break. Term 5 is a busy time for the nursery as we begin our transition to schoolwork for children leaving this summer.

We are hoping the weather starts to improve and warm up and we can all enjoy the Spring changes in the garden.

New Website

Our new website will be launched this term, and it will be going LIVE on Wednesday 17th April. We are excited for you all to see the work that the team at Chaos Created have done to develop our new site.

The website will become our main platform to communicate with you all as we can easily share key information – and we also realise that not everyone uses Facebook.

The website will include interactive features and regular updates from the team……watch this space.

Primary School Places

Primary school applications will be confirmed to parents on 16th April. If you have done an online application this will be emailed to you. If you have done a postal application this may be received a couple of days after the 16th.

We will be collecting your school offer this week so that we can share your child’s progress with the relevant school prior to them starting in September. Please email with your offer and confirm whether you will be accepting or appealing.

If you need any help with an appeal, please come and speak with the Reception team.

EY3 Parent Progress Meetings for Fox and Hedgehog Classes

Fox and Hedgehog Classes will be offering all parents/carers an opportunity to meet and talk about their child’s progress this term. The meetings will take place over a few weeks starting on 22nd April 2024.

Please see Leigh on the gate at Welcome Times or speak with your child’s key people to arrange a suitable time.

Key Dates this Term

This Wednesday 17th April is our fourth INSET day this academic year. The school will be closed for all children and families.

Monday 6th May—This is a Bank Holiday (May Day) so the school will be closed. We will re-open on Tuesday 7th May.

The end of term finishes on Friday 24th May for one week. The school will re-open on Monday 3rd June for the final term six.

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