During the summer months at the nursery we spend even more time in our beautiful garden. We are so lucky to have such an extensive outdoor area for the children to play and learn in.
Jerry our Site Manager does a wonderful job of keeping it well maintained and he often has help from the children. We also have weekly visits from The Children’s Kitchen team to help us with our allotment garden and all the plants that we are growing.

Trauma Informed Award
Last term Knowle West Nursery School was awarded the Trauma and Mental Health Informed Schools Award by Trauma Informed Schools UK. This involved an application process, an external assessment from a TISUK consultant and an in-person visit to the school.
The award acknowledges the skills and expertise of the staff team and validates the commitment to this critical area of our work with children and families. We are immensely proud as we are the first Early Years setting and nursery school in the country to receive this recognition. Visit our website to find out more about our trauma informed practice www.knowlewestnurseryschool.co.uk

Term 6 Dates for Your Diary
Friday 24th May – Last day of Term 5
Monday 3rd June – Start of Term 6
Wednesday 10th July – Next INSET day – School will be closed for all children.
Friday 19th July, Last Day of Nursery – End of Year Community Event and last day for all children. Family Picnic in the Garden. Save the date… More information to follow next term.
Monday 22nd July – Stay and Play Sessions for all new Under 3 children starting in September.
Tuesday 23rd July – Stay and Play Sessions for all new EY3 children starting in September and children moving to EY3 from Under 3s.