Keeping Cool
It has been rather hot lately, so we have done our best to keep cool while playing outside in the garden!
The children have made dens using blankets and throws to create a lovely shady spot to sit and read their favourite books.
Another great way the children have been cooling off is by splashing, stomping, and stamping in bubbly, sandy water.

Bill the Music Man
On the 21st of June, Bill the Music Man came to visit all of us in the nursery!
We played lots of different instruments together, drumming on the table, tapping a variety of objects to create various sound and noises, and sang lots of our favourite songs.
Do you play an instrument?

Making Pastry
We made pastry!
We mixed together flour and water which made a sticky dough. It kept getting stuck to our fingers!
When we added more flour, it became less gluey and we were able to knead it together, making a really great dough. We added some tasty herbs, such as rosemary to give it a lovely savoury taste.
We gave our doughs to Tatianna to bake for us. She baked them perfectly and they tasted amazing!

Our Play Shop and Tea Party
The children love to play in the shop. Buying and selling a wide range of goods, from toys to baking accessories. How much does this rolling pin cost?
And tea parties are a fantastic way to sit and enjoy the company of friends. More tea anyone?
Role play is an important activity for children in their early years as it fosters their self-esteem, creativity, communication skills, physical development, and ability to solve problems. It allows children to get into character, act out real-life or imaginary performances, and have fun.
Role play is both fun and educational for little ones, and it provides opportunities to explore the wider world whilst using creativity and imagination.

Out In The Garden
All the children from Bumblebees and Ladybirds love to play outside together, being able to freely mix and free flow both rooms in the outside space gives the children the opportunity to create new friendships outside of their main rooms.
The vast outside space means we can do so much outside together. Building bases and balance beams, searching for bugs and creepy crawlies, and practicing our balancing across the rope net.
What’s your favourite thing to do outside?