News From the Rooms

More News from the Fox Room – May 2024

More News from the Fox Room – May 2024

Building with Cogs and Gears The cogs and gears in the Fox Room have been very popular recently. The children have enjoyed putting them together in lots of different and interesting way. Standing up tall in a tower shape or building them flat on the table. Each build...

News from the Fox Room – May 2024

News from the Fox Room – May 2024

Exploring Outside The children in Fox room have been enjoying exploring the garden recently. The sand pit is always a great place to play and chat with friends, get creative with building sand models, and play with the diggers and dumper trucks to! The diggers can...

News from the Fox Room – April 2024

News from the Fox Room – April 2024

Our Tadpoles! The Children of Fox Room had noticed lots of frogspawn in our garden pond, so Nancy and Zara decided to have some in a tank indoors for the children, so they can watch the lifecycle of the tadpoles, turning into froglets and eventually into frogs! The...

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