We all Matter - We all Belong

Welcome to Knowle West Nursery School

As one of the twelve local authority-maintained nursery schools in Bristol, we take pride in offering high-quality early years education within a beautiful and stimulating learning space.

At Knowle West Nursery School, we believe that every child matters and belongs. This core value is woven into the fabric of our inclusive culture, ensuring that each child is cherished, supported, and provided with the opportunities to flourish and achieve success.

Led by our Headteacher, Jenny McDonald, with over 13 years of commitment to the school, we continue to foster a family-centred ethos that prioritizes the well-being and happiness of every child.

We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our vibrant learning community. We eagerly anticipate welcoming you and your child to the Knowle West Nursery School family.

Are you looking for a Nursery place for September 2024?

We have 2, 3 and 4 year old places available. Please get in touch and come and visit our wonderful learning environment.

Please contact us by phone (0117 9030214) or use the Register Your Interest button below, if you could
like to book a tour, or receive further information about Knowle West Nursery School.

Latest News

Feel Good Friday: Green Spaces

Feel Good Friday: Green Spaces

Did you know...? Spending time in green spaces can lower stress hormones and increase feelings of happiness and well-being. We are so lucky to have this wonderful green space to play and learn in. Take a moment… watch this clip… and take care of...

News from the Fox Room – June 2024

News from the Fox Room – June 2024

Fox's Trike School The children in Fox room have been learning how to safely ride their trikes and scooters. Making sure to slow down for the corners on our wobbly chalk road, and making sure they are steered carefully using the handlebars being careful not to bump...

Explore Knowle West Nursery School

Headteacher's Welcome

It is a privilege to be the Headteacher of such a wonderful school, and I am proud to have been here for over 13 years as a room teacher, Deputy Headteacher, and SENCO. I am passionate about continuing our work for the Knowle West community, and I am joined by a dedicated and highly qualified staff team committed to giving children the best start in life to learn, grow, be heard, and be happy.

Our Vision and Values

Knowle West Nursery School is dedicated to fostering a nurturing and inclusive community where every child and family feels a sense of belonging and value. The school’s vision emphasises providing children with the best possible start in life, bridging the gap of disadvantage, and instilling skills, dispositions, and attitudes necessary for confident lifelong learning. Central to our ethos is the creation of a psychologically safe environment where respect, connection, kindness, safety, and authenticity are the guiding values, ensuring that everyone is heard, understood, and genuinely cared for.

Learning and Curriculum

Knowle West Nursery School offers a vibrant and nurturing environment where young children thrive through active engagement with the world around them. Following the Early Years Foundation Stage, KWNS emphasizes the Prime Areas of learning: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, and Communication and Language. These foundational areas foster a positive self-image, social collaboration, emotional understanding, physical activity, and communication skills.

Latest From the Rooms

News from the Fox Room – April 2024

News from the Fox Room – April 2024

Our Tadpoles! The Children of Fox Room had noticed lots of frogspawn in our garden pond, so Nancy and Zara decided to have some in a tank indoors for the children, so they can watch the lifecycle of the tadpoles, turning into froglets and eventually into frogs! The...

News from Hedgehog Room – March 2024

News from Hedgehog Room – March 2024

The Three Little Pigs This term during our Storytime sessions, we have been reading ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We know our story well now and have loved using props during our play to rehearse and retell the story. We loved retelling by drawing a story map during our...

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